

Mexico City

  • COVID-19: The National Centre for Energy Control has ordered certain measures to ensure efficiency and continuity of the National Electric System

    Based on the argument that the pandemic has cause a reduction of electricity consumption by end users and thus additional measures have to be taken in order to guarantee the efficiency, quality, reliability, continuity and safety of the National…

  • The effects of COVID-19 on international arbitration in Latin America

    International arbitrations are not associated with any particular jurisdiction, and in Latin America and elsewhere, most arbitral institutions keep handling arbitral proceedings and enabling them to continue, despite COVID-19, by using available…

  • Amendments to the Law of Dumping in Mexican Marine Zone

    The Official Gazette of the Federation has published, on April 13, 2020, the decree amending various provisions of the Law on Dumping in Mexican Marine Areas.

  • COVID-19: The Mexican Energy Regulatory Commission extends the cessation of terms and deadlines

    In an effort to mitigate risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus, the Permanent Commission of the CRE (Energy Regulatory Comission) determined that the cessation of terms and deadlines associated with proceedings processed before the CRE will…

  • COVID-19: The Ministry of Communications and Transportation of Mexico specifies the essential activities

    The Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT) has published in the Federal Official Gazette (DOF) a ruling specifying the essential activities competence of the STC. This is in connection with the ruling published by the Ministry of Health…

  • COP25: A Latin American summit... held in Madrid

    Madrid is currently hosting COP25, the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Yet this climate conference is closely associated with Latin America: Brazil was the original host for the summit, but those plans were…

  • Transfer pricing: here’s what the rules in Latin America look like

    Here is a summary of the transfer pricing rules in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.

  • Emissions trading: Mexico launches pilot program

    On October 1, 2019, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) published an agreement laying out the preliminary terms for setting up a pilot program for the emissions trading system, to be run at no cost to participants.

  • Mexico regulates technical specifications applicable to safeguard warehouses for the distribution of liquefied petroleum gas

    On August 19th, 2019, the National Agency for Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection of the Hydrocarbons Sector (ASEA), published a Mexican official standard to regulate guard warehouses for the for distribution and retailing of liquefied…

  • Mexico puts an end to tax amnesties

    The Official Journal of the Federation has published a decree annulling the remission of taxes owed by tax debtors.

  • Mexico establishes new penalties for taxpayers that issue tax receipts to justify simulated transactions

    On May 16, 2019, the government published in the Official Journal of the Federation the Decree reforming article 113.III and adding an article 113.bis to the Federal Tax Code, in order to reinforce the measures being taken against the purchase and…

  • How is the right to vacation time regulated in Latin America?

    In light of the publication of Legislative Decree 1405 (09.12.18), which reforms the right to vacation time in Peru, we set out below an overview of the main legal provisions regulating the right to vacation time in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Chile…