Spain: Strengthening of tax measures to boost energy efficiency and transposition of the regulation of reverse hybrid mismatches
Royal Decree-law 18/2022, of October 18, 2022, published on October 19, 2022, extends by one year the application of personal income tax credits for energy efficiency improvement works on dwellings, and permits unrestricted depreciation/amortization, for corporate income tax purposes, of investments that use energy from renewable sources. Moreover, it transposes the Community legislation on reverse hybrid mismatches.A request for information may be regarded as the commencement of an audit
According to the Madrid High Court, if it is shown that the request was directed at determining the taxable amount, the later audit should be considered to have commenced when the request was made, something that will affect the period allowed for completion of audit work.Spain: Adapting the tax system to challenges facing the green transition
In the context of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan a range of measures relating to environmental taxes have been approved, notably the creation of a tax on non-reusable plastic packaging and amendment of the tax on fluorinated greenhouse gases. This new tax will come into force on January 1, 2023, whereas the amendment of the tax on fluorinated gases has been in force since September 1, 2022.Garrigues doubly awarded in London as Spain tax disputes firm and Spain indirect tax firm of the year
Garrigues has been doubly recognized as firm of the year in Spain in the categories of tax disputes and indirect tax. The publication International Tax Review (ITR), which covers tax news from firms across the globe, has granted these awards in the context of the EMEA Tax Awards, held yesterday in London and attended by the most noteworthy European firms and lawyers in the tax field.Spain: The reform of the Tax on Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases comes into force
Law 14/2022 of July 8, 2022, the first final provision of which amends the Tax on Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases (IGFEI), was published in the Official State Gazette on July 9, 2022. In addition, the corresponding implementing regulations were published on August 31.Colombia: 2022 tax reform bill
On 8 August 2022, a bill was submitted to the Congress of the Republic for the adoption of a tax reform in Colombia. The new government proposes a set of measures that aim to redistribute wealth by increasing the tax burden on those with the greatest taxpaying capacity.