

Publications - Labor and Employment

  • Employers are now able to request the compensation for the increase of the minimum monthly wage

    The online form for employers to request the exceptional measure created to compensate the increase of the minimum monthly wage is now available.

  • Portugal - New employment financial support: hiring award and payment of contributions in the context of the new government measure 'Sustainable Employment Commitment'

    It was published in the Official Gazette Ordinance no. 38/2022, of January 17, which sets out the new 'Sustainable Employment Commitment' measure. In essence, this regulation awards employers economically for entering into open-…

  • Portugal: New rules on working hours and recording of working time in road transport approved

    It was published in the Official Gazette Ordinance no. 7/2022, of January 4, accommodating in a single instrument the rules on how employers should disclose the working schedule and record the respective working times.

  • Increase of justified days of absences due to the passing of a family member

    It was published in the Official Gazette the Law no. 1/2022, January 3, increasing the number of days an employee may be absent from work due to the passing of a family member and enabling employees to receive psychological support.

  • Portugal: Unemployment and termination of activity subsidies increase

    Decree-Law no. 119/2021, was published in Official Gazette, increasing the minimum amount of unemployment subsidy (employees) and establishing the enhancement of this subsidy, as well as of the subsidy for termination of activity (economically…

  • Portugal: Exeptional aid for family is extended for the period between 27 and 31 December, 2021

    Decree-Law no. 119-B/2021, of December 23 was published in the Official Gazette, extending the granting period of the exceptional aid for family due to the suspension of in-person curricular and non-curricular activities to the period between…

  • Portugal: retirement age decreases to 66 years and 4 months in 2023

    Ordinance no. 307/2021, of December 17th, was published in Official Gazette, decreasing the standard age to access retirement pension in the Portuguese general social security system to 66 years and 4 months in 2023.

  • Portugal: Exceptional regime of reorganization of the workplace and reactivation of the exceptional aid for family

    It was published in Official Gazette the Council of Ministers’ Resolution no. 157/2021, which sets forth the state of calamity throughout mainland Portugal until 11:59 p.m. of March 20th,2022 and reinstates a regime of adaptation of the…

  • Portugal: Update of indexing reference for social support

    It was published in the Official Gazette the Ordinance no. 294/2021, December 13th, setting the Indexing Reference for Social Support for the year of 2022 in € 443.20.

  • Increase of the minimum monthly wage € 705.00 and exceptional measure of compensation

    It was published in the Official Gazette the Decree-Law no. 109-B/2021, December 7, which determines the increase of the minimum monthly wage to € 705.00, with effects from January 1st, 2022, onwards and creates an exceptional measure to…

  • Portugal: New rules on the teleworking regime and the right to disconnect

    It was published on Official Gazette the Law no 83/2021, of December 6, which modifies the teleworking regime and sets forth the right to disconnect. In the table below it is possible to compare the legal framework that takes effect from January 1st…

  • Portuguese Government extends and amends company’s extraordinary aid for the progressive resumption of activity

    Decree-Law no. 71-A/2021, of August 13 was published in the official gazette, amending the extraordinary aid for the progressive resumption of activity (hereinafter, “APRA”) established in  Decree-Law no. 46-A/2020, of July 30…