


  • Form "Model 30" was updated

    Form “Modelo 30” was updated by Ordinance no. 78/2020, of 20 March in order to allow the fulfillment of the international commitments assumed by Portugal regarding administrative cooperation in the field of taxation.

  • COVID-19: Portuguese Government postpones tax obligations and exempts employers from social security contributions

    The Portuguese Government presented a set of measures in order to minimize the impact of new coronavirus (COVID-19) on the Portuguese economy at the extraordinary meeting of the Standing Committee on Social Concertation (CPCS).

  • Published the change in the normal retirement age and updated the value of the IAS

    A number of Ordinances with a special impact on Social Security matters have been published in the Portuguese Official Gazette, highlighting the ones that follows:

  • The withholding taxes rates applicable in 2020 were approved

    The withholding tax rates applicable to employment income (category A) and pensions (category H), obtained by the resident taxpayers in mainland Portugal, during 2020, were approved by Order no. 785/2020, of Secretary of State for Fiscal…

  • The submission with errors of the Stamp Duty Monthly Declaration in the first half of 2020 will not be subject to penalties

    The Secretary of State for Fiscal Affairs has established, through Order No. 14/2020-XXII, that no penalties will be applied to the submission with errors of the Stamp Tax Monthly Declaration ("DMIS") in the first half of 2020,…

  • The Agreement on Mutual Administrative Assistance and Cooperation in Tax Matters between Portugal and Angola entered into force on 20 February 2019

    Is informed that the Agreement between the Portuguese Republic and the Republic of Angola on Mutual Administrative Assistance and Cooperation in Fiscal Matters, signed in Luanda on 18 September 2018, entered into force on past 20 February 2019,…

  • IMI - The average value of construction has been updated

    The average value of construction per square meter, for the purposes of article 39 of the Municipal Property Tax (IMI) Code, to enter into force in 2020, maintains the amount effective in 2019 of EUR 492.00, as was officially published by…

  • Portugal: These were the data protection highlights in 2019

    Undoubtedly, 2019 was a busy year in the area of privacy. In Portugal, the GDPR Enforcement Law was approved and the Portuguese Authority (CNPD) took the controversial decision of “disregarding” some of the respective rules. The EDPB and…

  • The tax obligations which the deadline will end until 31 December can be fulfilled until 2 January 2020

    Order no. 74/2019-XXII, was published in the Tax Authorities' website, determining that the taxpayers may comply with the tax obligations by 2 January 2020 regarding tax’s payments or ancillary obligations which the deadline ends on 31…

  • Inventories to be reported as regards 2019 must be made still using the file approved by Ministerial Order no. 2/2015

    The file approved by Ministerial Order no. 126/2019, 2 of May, to be used to report annual inventories to the Portuguese Tax Authorities (“PTA”), only enters into force as regards 2020’s inventories, to be communicated by 31…

  • Portugal on the path to carbon neutrality

    Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 is the central goal of European environmental policies in the coming years. With this in mind, the Portuguese government recently approved the Carbon Neutrality Roadmap 2050, establishing the main vectors of…

  • Minimum monthly wage for 2020 was disclosed

    It was published in the official gazette the Decree-Law no. 167/2019, of 21 November, ruling the increase of the minimum monthly wage to € 635,00, with effects from January 1, 2020, onwards.