


  • Portugal: Exceptional regime of reorganization of the workplace and reactivation of the exceptional aid for family

    It was published in Official Gazette the Council of Ministers’ Resolution no. 157/2021, which sets forth the state of calamity throughout mainland Portugal until 11:59 p.m. of March 20th,2022 and reinstates a regime of adaptation of the…

  • Portugal: Update of indexing reference for social support

    It was published in the Official Gazette the Ordinance no. 294/2021, December 13th, setting the Indexing Reference for Social Support for the year of 2022 in € 443.20.

  • Increase of the minimum monthly wage € 705.00 and exceptional measure of compensation

    It was published in the Official Gazette the Decree-Law no. 109-B/2021, December 7, which determines the increase of the minimum monthly wage to € 705.00, with effects from January 1st, 2022, onwards and creates an exceptional measure to…

  • Minimum monthly wage and new withholding tax rates approved to 2022

    The Government approved, through Decree-Law 109-B/2021, the increase of the guaranteed minimum monthly wage (“RMMG”) from EUR 665 to EUR 705, to become effective from 1 January 2022 onwards.

  • Portugal: Amendments to the transfer pricing regime

    On 26 November, the ministerial orders no. 267/2021 and no. 268/2021 have been published, reviewing the Advanced Pricing Agreements and the regulation of the transfer pricing regime and revoked, respectively, the ministerial…

  • Portugal: New consumer rights in the sale and purchase of digital services, contents and goods

    Decree-Law 84/2021, dated October 18, has been published, regulating consumer rights in the sale and purchase of digital services, contents and goods and transposing Directives (EU) 2019/771 and (EU) 2019/770.

  • Monetary devaluation indexes for 2021 remain unchanged

    The monetary devaluation indexes were approved by Ordinance no. 220/2021, of 22 October, which updates the annual monetary devaluation indexes applicable to the goods and rights disposed during 2021, whose value should be updated in accordance…

  • NPL and REO transactions continue to take off in Latam, Spain and Portugal

    NPL transactions continued to take off in the third quarter of 2021. A growing interest in NPL securitizations has been perceived, especially in Spain. In Europe, meanwhile, talks continue on two key topics: the draft directive on credit purchasers…

  • Arbitration: a brief overview of the appeal mechanism against a Portuguese award

    Filing an appeal against a Portuguese award is possible but parties should be aware of the details, requirements and peculiarities of this mechanism, especially when issues of constitutionality are raised during the proceedings.

  • REITs or SIGIs: an alternative for investment in real estate assets in Portugal

    Garrigues Portugal offers a detailed analysis of the legal regime of Real Estate Investment and Management Companies (SIGI) in the latest edition of the EPRA Global REIT 2021 Study. The firm's experts explain the key factors to take into…

  • Portuguese Government extends and amends company’s extraordinary aid for the progressive resumption of activity

    Decree-Law no. 71-A/2021, of August 13 was published in the official gazette, amending the extraordinary aid for the progressive resumption of activity (hereinafter, “APRA”) established in  Decree-Law no. 46-A/2020, of July 30…

  • Supreme Court of Justice (Portugal): the judicial sale of a mortgaged property with a lease subsequent to the mortgage does not make the lessee’s rights expire

    The Portuguese Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) has delivered a Decision uniformizing case law (SCJ Decision nº 2/2021, dated 07.05.2021) in the following sense: “The sale during insolvency proceedings of a mortgaged property, with a…