


  • Spain: The General Directorate of Taxes (DGT) clarifies that capital reductions with return of contributions have no impact on the capitalization reserve

    En contra del criterio que venían manteniendo algunos tribunales económico-administrativo regionales y la DGT, se concluye ahora que, si las aportaciones a los fondos propios no se tienen en cuenta para computar el incremento de los fondos propios que da derecho a la aplicación del incentivo o para analizar si se cumple el requisito de mantenimiento, se debe dar el mismo tratamiento a las devoluciones de capital y repartos similares a los socios.
  • Tax Newsletter - May 2024

    We analyze the main news, judgments, resolutions and regulations in the latest issue of the Tax Newsletter.
  • Tax Newsletter – April 2024

    We analyze the main news, judgments, resolutions and regulations in the latest issue of the Tax Newsletter.
  • This is the Artificial Intelligence Strategy in the Strategic Plan of the Spanish Tax Agency

    El Plan Estratégico de la Agencia Tributaria española establece los principios que deberán guiar el uso de la inteligencia artificial para la prevención y lucha contra el fraude fiscal. Se echan de menos, no obstante, referencias expresas a derechos de los contribuyentes y principios (como los de transparencia y proporcionalidad, o el de no discriminación) ampliamente reconocidos y cuya protección resulta esencial en este ámbito.
  • Tax Newsletter - March 2024

    We analyze the main news, judgments, resolutions and regulations in the latest issue of the Tax Newsletter.
  • Peru: The deadline is approaching for Peruvian consortia, funds and trusts to submit the declaration of ultimate beneficial owner

    Any Peruvian or foreign company or investor who directly or indirectly participates in the results or exercises effective control of the legal arrangement shall take into account the declaration to be made within the first 20 days of July 2024.
  • Spain: Time of imputation of refunds of taxes declared unconstitutional

    The Spanish Constitutional Court has been limiting the temporal effects of the unconstitutionality of tax rules, in the case of non-consolidated situations, to the date on which the corresponding ruling is handed down, with an expansive interpretation of this concept of “non-consolidated situation”. We review what these limitations consist of and how to allocate any refunds obtained.
  • Tax Newsletter - February 2024

    We analyze the main news, judgments, resolutions and regulations in the latest issue of the Tax Newsletter.
  • Spain: The DGT allows credits for environmental investment to be claimed without modifying the self-assessments for the years in which the investments were made

    In a recent binding ruling, the DGT has relaxed its position and allowed environmental credits to be claimed within the maximum application period of 15 years, even where the investments were made in years that have already been inspected.
  • Moving towards harmonized Corporate Income Tax in the European Union: will it be third time lucky?

    The BEFIT Directive will be compulsory for groups whose consolidated revenues, for at least two of the preceding four years, have reached 750 million euros. It regulates in detail, among other aspects, the manner of determining the common tax base and its distribution between the different entities.