


  • Portugal: New rules for teleworking and staggered working hours

    It was published in the Official Gazette the Resolution of the Council of Ministers no 74-A/2021, June 7th, 2021, which, declared the state of calamity in mainland Portugal until 23:59 hours of June 27th, 2021 and stated the applicable rules.

  • Constitutional Court introduces limits to the trial period of 180 days

    The Portuguese Labor Code reform of 2019 established a trial period of 180 days for open-ended employment contracts with employees seeking their first job and for long-term unemployed persons.

  • Portugal: New rules for teleworking regime

    It was published in the Official Gazette the Resolution of the Council of Ministers no 70-B/2021, 4th July, which, among other measures, establishes new rules for teleworking regime, applicable from 14th July, 2021.

  • COVID-19: The VAT exemption applicable to domestic and intra-Community supplies of goods needed to combat the effects of the outbreak was extended from April to December

    The VAT exemption applicable to domestic supplies and intra-Community acquisitions of goods, needed to combat the effects of the COVID-19 disease by the State and other public bodies or by non-profit organizations, was extended from 30 April to 31…

  • COVID-19: Portugal published a Decree-Law providing for an exceptional measure to compensate for the increase in the minimum monthly wage

    The exceptional compensation measure is applicable, throughout Continental Portugal, to all employers, regardless of their legal form (as well as individuals with one or more employees), corresponding to a one-off cash subsidy paid by IAPMEI -…

  • Just published the procedures, conditions and terms of access to the New Incentive to the Activity’s Normalization and Simplified Support

    It was published in the Official Gazette the Government Ordinance No. 102-A/2021, of May 14, which regulates the procedure, conditions and terms of access to the following benefits to be granted by the Institute of Employment and Vocational…

  • Portugal: Decree-Law amending the Regime for Support to Progressive Resumption is published

    As the Government had already announced, with the publication of Decree-Law n.º 32/2021, May 12th, surgical amendments were made to Decree-Law n.º 46-A/2020, July 30th.

  • COVID-19: Calamity state and mandatory telework regime in all municipalities in Portugal

    It was published in the Official Gazette the Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 45-C/2021, in force since 00h00 of May 1st 2021, declaring the state of calamity in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Inter alia, we highlight…

  • New mandatory record of employees from construction and agricultural industries is introduced

    The uprising concerns regarding the enforcement and compliance with the health and safety at work rules, namely in farms and temporary or mobile construction sites, where a higher Covid-19 contagious risk and employees mobility exists, lead to the…

  • COVID-19: New tax deadlines extensions approved in Portugal

    The Portuguese Government approved, through Dispatch no. 133/2021-XXII, of 22 April, new deadlines extensions for the fulfillment of several tax obligations, without the application of any penalties.

  • New amendments introduced to the TUPE legal framework in Portugal

    Law no. 18/2021, of April 8, was published in the official gazette, introducing amendments to the applicable regime in case of Transfer of Undertaking (Protecting of Employment), or parts of undertaking that constitute an economic entity (TUPE).

  • New rules have been introduced for exceptional aid for families

    It has been published in the official gazette the Law no. 16/2021, of 7 April, which introduces amendments to and updates the rules regarding exceptional aid for families outside the periods of school interruption, provided for in Decree-…