



  • Concession for the design, financing, construction, rehabilitation, expansion, operation and maintenance of the municipal wastewater collection, treatment and disposal systems in the city of Puerto Maldonado in two (2) components. Component 1 (DFBT) includes the following works: (i) Installation of 12,170 sewage connections (including 10% rehabilitation), and (ii) Installation of 156.4 km of secondary sewage collectors (including 11.3% rehabilitation). Component 2 (DFBOT) includes the following works (i) Installation of 25.3 km of main sewerage collectors (including 5% rehabilitation), (ii) Construction of 3 and rehabilitation of 2 wastewater pumping stations (WWPS), (iii) Installation of 3.7 km of rising main, and (iv) A wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) for an average flow (Qp) of 400 L/s, including final disposal of sludge.

  • Concession for the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of the following: (i) a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) of 80.700 m3/hour treating reused water, providing wastewater treatment through bacterial beds, (ii) lay-out of six (6) connectors; and (iii) four (4) wastewater pumping stations.

  • Concession for the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of the following components required to supply water to the Servicio de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado de Lima (Sedapal), the state-owned concessionaire of drinking water and sewerage services for the city of Lima: (i) enlargement of one (1) or two (2) dams; (ii) one (1) water intake system and canals; (iii) a trans-Andean water transfer tunnel; (iv) a wastewater treatment plant; (v) a conductionline and three (3) tunnels for laying the conductionline; (vi) two (2) main reservoirs of treated water; (vii) primary conductionlines to interconnect seven (7) reservoirs. And the operating and maintenance of the following existing infrastructures: (i) Bocatoma Huachipa; (ii) Huachipa I Plant; (iii) North Branch conductionline; and, (iv) four (4) compensation reservoirs.


  • Concession in respect of 128.7 km of the railway infrastructure connecting up the towns of Huancayo and Huancavelica under a DFBOT scheme (design, finance, build, operate and transfer), for the design, rehabilitation of existing infrastructure, maintenance, provision of rolling stock, and provision of rail transport services through an operator.

Oil & gas

  • Concession for the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of networks for the transport of natural gas and liquid petroleum gas from the processing plant corresponding to the Camisea Project to the departments of Cusco, Arequipa and Moquegua, for urban use and electricity generation.

  • Concession for the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of a natural gas transport network running through the towns of Andahuaylas, Abancay, Huamanga, Huanta, Huancavelica, Huancayo, Jauja, Cusco, Quillabamba, Juliaca, Puno and Pucallpa, in the regions of Apurímac, Ayacucho, Huancavelica, Junín, Cusco, Puno and Ucayali and related installations.

Road infraestructure

  • The "New Central Connection" IPA, of 205 km between Carabayllo and La Oroya, has as its main objective the maintenance and operation of the section Lima - Canta - Huayllay (Route PE-20A) - Emp. PE-3N; and the construction, maintenance and operation of the section Emp. PE - 20A (Dv. Yantac) - Emp. PE - 3N (Dv. Paccha).

  • Initial periodic maintenance and the consequent operation and maintenance of the highway, in order to maintain the established service levels. The highway is approximately 422 km long.

  • Concession in respect of a 33.2km-long highway to improve connections between the North and East of Lima, for its construction and operation.

  • BOT Concession (build, operate and transfer) in respect of approximately a 971km-long highway infrastructure connecting up the aforementioned departments, for its operation and maintenance, the carrying out of (i) improvement and refurbishment works (117 km); and (ii) maintenance over the initial period (498 km) to keep the existing infrastructure at the service levels stipulated in the concession agreement.


  • Concession for the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of a new port terminal for public use, for the storage and loading of minerals (iron and copper concentrates) plus raw materials for mining in San Juan de Marcona, in the department of Ica.



Public works